
BBC introduces new game : Top gear - Race the stig

         This post gives a small yet informative review about the newly introduced game Top gear : race the stig


                     BBC introduces a new game especially for racing game lovers. This game is available and can be downloaded in iOS, Android, and windows based smartphones.

           This game was developed by a british studio company called Supersonic Software. This game contains racing at world famous top gear racing tracks. Through out the game racers should watch out and should go through many obstacles. At the same time they should be looking forward to collect as many golden nuts as possible. Richard Hamod's Oliver, Jeremy's Italian police car, Benhar wheels, Jame's amphibians triumph, Herald, etc are present in the game. Apart from this updates are provided to the users from time to time. 

                              All in all this game appears to be a very good game and promises many things to the gamers.



Windows 8 logo

This post provides information regarding 10 must have apps for windows to our visitors.


                   Today smartphones without Facebook app is almost impossible to spot. One of the specialities offered by Windows phones are the built in facebook integration.


   Yelp is yet another important app in windows, which helps you to find or search for business organisations, your favorite business reviews, photos, tips, and also for searching nearby cafes, restaurants, etc


     Skype is yet another important app in windows. Skype is used for sending instant messages, for calling and for sending SMS's via the internet.

Weather Channel

        Weather Channel helps you get weather updates in your windows phone in a quite informative and impressive manner.


                  Pandora helps you to download and hear your favorite songs in your windows phone.


              Twitter is a built in app for windows and this makes it to be special. Twitter is a social networking micro blogging service which helps you to send and read small text messages.


                     Vine is an app that enables its user to create small and beautiful looping videos and it also helps to watch it with your family and friends. The maximum time of a looping video that can be created using vine is 6 seconds. These videos can be shared through Vine's social network and also through twitter and facebook.


                               Netflix is an app for windows phones which helps in watching films and TV programmes of your choice any time anywhere, and also provides the best video quality.

6 Tag

        6 Tag is a full featured instagram application for windows phones. This app is used for sharing photos by uploading them and you can also use it for tagging. 


             Mint is yet another windows application which helps you to get information regarding your account balance, financial deals, expenditures, budgets, etc.



This post provides our visitors with a review on the latest popular game : Titan Fall. 

                            Titan fall is the latest game launched by Respon entertainment. Respon is a company which was formed by the developers of Call of duty, Infinitive ward. This game is an online player game. Offline single player option is not included in this version of the game.


                                           Two levels are included in the game. In the starting of the game you will be one among the other pilots. The aim of the game is to progress forward by shooting down enemies. Up to 12 players can take part in the game and they can also choose their preferred pilot type. The players have to go towards their destinations by going through many obstacles. While progressing towards their destinations pilots kill each other.
                            For the journey or voyage, to the destination to be smooth individuals have to choose good weapons. These weapons are common weapons which are also seen in other games. Apart from the fact that close up and long range guns are considered to be very common these days this game has not failed in entertaining gamers. The game developers of RESPON has not failed in providing the best gaming experience. The use of smart pistol has also made the game to be more interesting.

                                                 The thing that makes this game to be more attractive is its freedom to move  anywhere by running or jumping or climbing. Apart from this another interesting thing is that the battles are not limited into a small place. Battles can be fought either from land or by flying from the sky.

                                        The second phase of the game begins with the introduction of giant robots called titans into the game. The first phase of the game had a lively gaming experience whereas in the second phase the battles are really slow but still includes tough battles with the enemies. Titans are big robots which try to suppress enemies with their gigantic feet. Destroying these titans are almost impossible. The introduction of these titans into the game almost changes the whole complexion of the game.
                         At the same time there is also an opportunity for the anti-titans to survive against the titans. Anti-titan weapons and jump kits are used for this purpose. Jump kit helps the anti-titans to climb walls and also to jump into the sky. Apart from this another encouraging fact in favour of the anti-titans are that they can cause heavy damage to the titans by climbing on to the back of the titans and attacking them from that spot. The fact that battles can go in favour of both the sides makes the game to be so interesting.

                                  6 VS 6 matches are provided in the game. The beginning of the game is with the pilots in the map. But not only these enemies are present but other strong enemies such as Marwin, Spectrus, etc are also present in the first phase of the game. Points can be earned by killing these enemies.
                                When we look at all aspects of the game it proves to be a very good game. Even though the game faces certain problems such as lagging it still makes up for all these problems by offering a great gaming experience.


A Review on the most awaited game : FIFA 15 (coming soon)

                                         This post provides a review on the most awaited game : FIFA 15. So stay tuned.


Tips you can use while purchasing Mobile Phones

We know that in the near past years, in our world eCommerce has made a big leap forward and has created an impeccable effect. If any one of us has doubts regarding this you just have to ask your friends of the method through which they purchase majority of their needed products. The Internet world currently serve as not only as a purchasing platform but it also serves as a selling platform all around the world. The enhanced effectivity of these platforms not only attracts the expert users of the web world but is even attracting the basic users or beginners of the web world.

                       Even though these platforms have attracted many and thereby gained a lot of popularity in the world. At present a lot of users are going through a big dilemma. This dilemma mostly arises when users want to purchase electronics for their personal use. The dilemma regarding this is whether they should use online platforms or local stores (Offline Platforms) for purchasing the product. So we will be glad if we are able to end this dilemma through this post, and thereby help all users of the web world. We would like to do this by comparing and contrasting the different parts of buying things online. We shall also be discussing both the advantages as well as the disadvantages of purchasing mobile phones online through online shopping websites as well as from local stores (Offline Platform). And we hope to create an effective solution to this dilemma by the end of this post.

                             So we can find the solution to this dilemma after taking them or facing them one-by-one. First we can discuss about buying Mobile phones online and then secondly we'll be discussing about buying Mobile Phones offline.


                 In this part of the post we will discussing of the different advantages and disadvantages of buying mobile phones online through eCommerce sites. And first we will be discussing of the exclusive  advantages offered through buying mobile phones online. Some the advantages are as follows :
  • QUICK AVAILABILITY : This is one of the main advantages that online shopping offer. Certain gadgets, even after their official launching takes a lot of time to arrive at our regional markets. But in the case of online shopping websites the availability of these new coming products are made pretty quick. The only time taken is for shipping to take place, which is specified in the shipping details. 
  • CHEAP PRICE : When we say about Online Shopping ,we suddenly come across the cheap price it offers, in our mind. And the discounts offered by these sites even go beyond 50 %. And during festival seasons or any other special seasons these sites may offer additional discounts and this makes these websites quite cost effective.           
                                       Apart from advantages these websites offer disadvantages as well. Some of these include the disadvantage faced by people living in rural areas who do not get there product at there doorsteps. And even if it is transported to their doorsteps, it may usually cost more. Another disadvantage is that sometimes products which posses defects are delivered to the consumer. So considering all these facts we can conclude that purchasing of mobile phones through online shopping is not a completely safe job.


         It is understood that buying mobile phones offline also have advantages. Let us look at some of the notable ones :
  • When you buy mobile phones offline through local stores situated near you, you will be having a main advantage as a consumer of examining the products. This not only helps you to make sure that the product does not posses any defects but also helps you to understand the different parts of the phone and also have an understanding as to how the phone is run. And thus you can buy the phone as to your desire and find the apt one for you.
  • The next advantage is that these stores offer is that if you ever have a problem or issue reported you can always come back to the store and ask for a replacement or a solution to the issue confronted, unless you bought it from somewhere far away out of your reach. 
                    Just like Online Websites offline stores also offer disadvantages on the counterpart. One of them as we discussed before is the time taken for the device to be available. And the second one is the addition of taxes and other charges which thereby increases the price of the device.


                           When we consider all the things that we mentioned earlier we can finally come to a conclusion. Clearly, the better option that can be drawn out, is that buying Mobile Phones from online platforms is better than purchasing it from other offline platforms. It is true that we should be considering the disadvantages that online platforms offer. But these can be overcome by purchasing them from established online shopping websites. Thus clearly online platforms offer much better promises, such as availability of device, less price, etc, than offline platforms.

2048 follows the legacy of Flappy Bird

                                            In this post we will be providing you a guide to the viral game 2048. Before that we will be having a look back into the game Flappy Bird and we will be providing you with the latest news related to it.   


                             Flappy Bird is a mobile game developed by Nguyễn Hà Đông  and published by .GEARS Studios, a small, independent game developer. The basic concept of the game is pretty simple, the player controls the bird and he/she who plays the game has to make the bird to fly between rows of green pipes without coming into contact with them. If it comes into contact with any pipes, then it results in the end of the game. The bird briefly flaps upward each time the player taps the screen, and it moves towards the right. If the screen is not tapped, the bird falls due to gravity. The player is scored on the number of pipes the bird successfully passes through, with medals awarded for the score. And, to a person new to the game it may appear that the game is pretty simple to be played. But no, it is not so simple, the game is easy to learn ,but hard to master. This makes the game very addictive. And it requires a lot of patience and practice. 

                                     This game was released in 2013 ,and received a sudden uprising in its popularity in 2014. While many people found this game to be very addictive, many others criticised it for its difficulty and low level of graphics. On February 10, 2014, the game was removed from both Apple's app store and Google Play. The developer took this action due to his guilt over the addictive nature of game. The game's popularity and sudden removal caused phones with Flappy Bird pre-installed to be put up for sale at high prices. The games similar to Flappy Bird became popular on the App Store after its removal, and many games were removed from their app stores, by Apple as well as Google, for being too similar to the original. The game has also been distributed through unofficial channels. If you are determined to play or download it , click the below link.


                                 The good news for all the fans of Flappy Bird, and the people who feel sad for not downloading and having a try over the game will be happy after getting to know this news. The news is that the developer of Flappy Bird not only announced the re-emergence of Flappy Bird, but he also promised that he'll be coming back with a second version of the game.


                     Following this announcement a new game began to become viral. 2048, which is a simple puzzle game is this new game which is becoming a craze and gaining wide popularity in Smartphones. Similar to Flappy Bird, which is also a viral game, this game is also a game which posses low level graphics and less file size when compared with other games. 2048 is also a game which can be played very easily. It is a game that posses some things in common with the game Candy Crush ,but still is unique from Candy Crush in it's own ways.
                                2048 is a mobile based game, created in March 2014 by ,an Italian, 19-year-old Gabrielle Cirulli. This game was introduced on March 9th, and at present is piercing forward with lakhs of people downloading it from the app store. Just like Flappy Bird, 2048 is also believed to be a highly addictive game. The concept behind this puzzle game is a square which contains 16 tiles within it. 
                                                 These tiles can be interchanged and apart from this possibility, two tiles which contain the same number or digit in them can be joined together to form a single tile. For example if two tiles containing the number '4' are joined together, then a single tile with the number '8' is formed. This process is to be repeated until a single tile with the digit 2048 is formed. This is the only way of winning the game.
                       This game, apart from the versions that can be downloaded either from the App Store or Google Play, can be also played online. To play this game on line, just go to this specified link :

How to be smart in Smartphone Photography

The simplest and basic principle about smartphone photography is the light factor. So walk towards light is the basic principle behind smartphone photography. This is because of the fact that a photo taken using a smartphone especially in dim light is always found to get the same result : a very bad image.
          And because of the less power of accommodation or shortened zooming facility that a smartphone offers, generally pictures taken very far away are generally obtained in a poor condition. So to obtain good images, here are certain tips you may follow :
          It is common that ,in the lens of your camera dust, finger prints etc can stick on. So it is important that you clean your lens at regular intervals. Cloth, tissue etc can be used for this purpose.

           The second important step is, as we mentioned in the introduction, the amount of light present during the time of taking the photo. If their is a good amount of light then their comes clarity along with it automatically. Sunlight will be more suited than any other source of light. The thing to be noted here is that light is not only to be present, but it should fall on the subject. Sunlight obtained during morning and evening time will be most suited for this purpose. If the photo is taken inside a building or any where else where less light is present then the windows can be open in order to allow more sunlight light to enter. Use flash if there is no another source of light, means using flash should be the least prioritised method that should be considered by you.


                Prevent the use of digital zoom as far as possible. Try to take the photo by going near the subject to the most possible extend.


           Touch the part of the image in the screen to obtain focus to that part. When you touch the screen a square shaped screen will appear. You can adjust the settings of this screen according to your will and situation.


           If you adjust your camera to burst mode then it helps you to take different snaps of the same image. From these you can pick the desired image.


          According to the aspect ratio different resolutions can be obtained from the camera settings. Adjust it to the highest possible resolution. This will help you to highlight the desired part and crop the the image.

                  Approach a subject from different angles. Compose each and every shot. Try understand the importance of foreground objects and their position. And also try to see the subject through different objects.


              High Dynamic Range or HDR mode will be present either in the camera settings or in apps. Many snaps of the same image is taken and they are joined together, and the best image is formed as a result.


              Image stabilisation helps to prevent shaking of an image and thereby avoiding the image to be blurred. So it is to be kept on always.

BlackBerry's most loyal and famous customer - President Obama

Blackberry may be in a tough situation right now, but for now it still posses it's most loyal and famous customer, president Obama. We all know that blackberry is right now in a pretty messed up situation. Even the Blackberry company's CEO compares the company's present situation and survival to a coin toss. But blackberry will not lose their most famous and loyal customer - President Obama at least for now.

The "Wall Street Journal" recently reported that the Samsung and LG android phones were tested so as to use them in the White House. This news gave the impression that blackberry would soon loose their star customer. Many android lovers began strongly believing that president Obama would soon start using their favorite Mobile OS.

The funniest part is that blackberry tried to take this opportunity to their benefit. Blackberry, once stated that they value the long term relationship that they had with the White House, in securing their mobile communications for more than a decade. Blackberry, also stated that the White House and the U.S. Government needed the highest levels of security, which according to blackberry is not yet achieved by the other companies. Blackberry also said that their unmatched cost effectiveness was also a reason why the U.S. government chose them for their internal use.

Once president Obama itself had something to say of his blackberry that they will have to pry it out of his own hands. Well nevertheless, this is great news as far as blackberry is concerned. Still com score in 2014 reported that blackberry's sales were down to approximately 3 %, and even worse IDC reported that blackberry in 2013's fourth quarter had owned only 0.70 % of market sales. Anyhow it's going to take more than the president to save blackberry from its near future.

DirectX 12 Marking The Beginning Of A New Era

Microsoft announced that for futuristic gaming to come into action, it was heading DirecX 12 to all of its platforms. Both NVIDIA and AMD are restlessly waiting for the collaboration gold on this release. While AMD plants itself on the Xbox one side, NVIDIA plants itself on the PC side on the map. 

A number of benefits in the Direct3D 12 universe have been named by the team (NVIDIA and AMD). This release will result in low-overhead API/Runtime which will help you to make use of your GPUs to the maximum. Even though they are concentrating on extending to the Xbox One, Direct3D 12 will work with the existing base of AMD customers as well. AMD says that this feature set and driver model design in Direct3D 12 will leave plenty of headroom for continued innovation.

The usage of DirectX 12, according to Microsoft has halved DirectX 11. The new DirectX12  brings reduced overhead of state changes, reusing of rendered commands quite efficiently, and a more efficient resource binding model. 

DirectX 12 while offering benefits for PC and Xbox One, is not ready to ignore mobile devices. Microsoft at their GDC 14 announced that they'd be bringing DirectX to mobile devices as well. And this is great news for mobile devices, which include Windows Phone 8, Windows 8.1 RT, and rest of the mobile devices they release in the near future.

What makes Direct3D 12 better ?
The first benefit that it provides is that it provides a lower level of hardware abstraction than ever before. This allows games to improve CPU utilization and multithreaded scaling. It also provides games with the benefit of reduced GPU overhead via features such as descriptor tables and concise pipeline state objects.
Direct3D 12 also provides a set of new rendering pipelines which improves the efficiency of algorithms such as order independent transparency, geometry culling and collision detection.

NVDIA said that they had worked over the past year with Microsoft to bring DirectX 12 open to the public. NVIDIA also said that they'd be going with DirectX 12 in the future. DirectX 12 provides a promise of rendering features as well as deep-dives into new drives and application models, for the future.

Secure File Sharing in OS X

Just imagine a situation like this. You want to share some files and documents, which are very important, to a network. But you are afraid of whether the things you share are secure enough. Also you would like to provide access to users but with proper authentication.

         Generally the default file sharing settings in OS X are fairly secure; however, there may be some situations where your system can be open for others to access. To enable file sharing on your system, go to the System Preferences and then in the Sharing preferences pane check the box for File Sharing.
         Enabling this will help you to have a relatively secure sharing environment. It will also provide you with the best possible resources, that you have access to, available on the network. This includes folder and attached external drives.
        These resources will require a password to get access to the network and thereby are relatively secure. But there are some situations in which your system will provide anyone access to the network in order copy certain items to your system. If your system has enabled access to guest accounts then anyone will be able to get access to the network without any use of pass words and then will be able to view the various public folders within user accounts on your system. The public folder is a folder which is visible and can be read by any people who have access to your system. Within this folder there lies a folder which is not visible to everyone, but anyone can copy items to this folder, which is called “Dropbox” folder.
         If you are using file sharing, and have connected to public networks, then you can ensure your system is as safe as possible by checking out on few things.
    1. The first thing to check out is that you enable file sharing only when needed. So in order to do this you can ensure that you enable file sharing only when you intend to share or copy items between systems. You should make sure that this step is done especially when you are using public networks. This step is less concerned when you use a home network which is protected by a router firewall. But this step can still be followed in order to ensure that your system is safe as possible.
    2. The next important step is to disable all shared public folders. Shared folders can act as conveniences but they are also alternative methods for copying items between accounts. To remove the various public folders that is left unused, you should go to the Sharing System Preferences pane and select File Sharing. In here, you will see a listing of the various shared folders. Select the various "Account's Public Folder" listings, and then remove them from the shared folders list. This will help you to prevent them from being accessed via the network, but can still be accessed through your account.
    3. The third step is to disable network access to guest account users. A guest account may serve as a convenient way for quick access to your system, but if you don’t use the guest account much often. Then be sure that you disable network access to guest account. For disabling network access to your guest account open the Users & Groups System Preferences pane and select the Guest User from the list of users. Then either uncheck the guest user to disable it at. Or atleast uncheck the option to allow guests to connect to shared folders.



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